RS Colony

Ramya's Colony

In the Great Plains, vibrant colored flowers and tall grasses turn to the sun and trees sprout in to a great scenery along the way on some rivers such as the Colorado River, where you can find lots of trout, or the Red river, where you can also find lots of fish, which is a food source. Along the way, on those rivers, you will eventually come across Ramya's Colony. There you will see great green shrubs and wonderful fields of grass that's just great for planting seeds. You will see the Red River and will be able to catch some fish, and same with the Colorado River. Across you will see the Caprock Escarpment. American bison, prarie dogs, jackrabbits,foxes, and coyotes are common sights that you are likely to see. Rattlesnakes can also be found, so try and be careful. Every now and then you may see sagebrush or a short grass called buffalo grass, too. You will start planting vegetables one day and the you will start to feel very cold. That's because hot summers only last April to October. Then the harsh winters will come in from November to at least February, if not longer. You'll find that near March and the beginning of April, you can start planting again. But save up for the winters! For the winters, sheep are very useful and can be raised easily in the Great Plains. You can use their wool to make clothes, jackets, blankets, and more.  Then one day,in your jacket all bundled up during the harsh winter,  you'll think "Wow, I'm living Ramya's colony."